Job Listings
This page focuses exclusively on job openings for EEO, HR Compliance, and Diversity & Inclusion positions at federal contractors. Applicants, search the job postings below. Apply for open positions by following the link on each job post.
About the Position:
The Program Director, ADEI Training, Development, and Strategic Initiatives is the lead institutional ADEI trainer and oversees the capacity building and assessment components of Western’s ADEI plan. Tasked with the development and implementation of ADEI training and professional development programs, the Program Director will collaborate with key university partners to assess the needs of target audiences and implement Senate Bill 5227 legislative requirements. The program director will lead and manage multiple programs and projects in furtherance of Western’s ADEI strategic priorities.
Position Duties and Responsibilities:
20% - Strategic Planning - Develop and implement strategic initiatives in line with the Office of Equity ADEI plan and institutional strategic goals.
30% - Program Design and Implementation
30% - Project Management
20% - Assessment and Program Effectiveness
Salary: Hiring range for position is $95,660 - $110,009/year. Through longevity position tops out at $124,358/year.
Benefits Information: See Benefits Overview for Administrative Professional Staff [ - Professional Staff.pdf]
Application Instructions: A cover letter and resume are required and should address your experience related to the position responsibilities and the required and preferred qualifications. Please include the names and contact information of three professional references. References will only be contacted if necessary, with notice provided beforehand.
Closing Date Notes: Application review begins August 4, 2024; the position is open until filled.
Welcome to the first free job board for federal contractors. Employers, please feel free to use this job board to attract qualified applicants for your Affirmative Action, EEO, HR Compliance, and Diversity & Inclusion positions. Job postings are subject to review from The Institute for Workplace Equality prior to publishing on our site.
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