Although employers are increasingly using Artificial Intelligence (“AI”)-enabled selection tools and processes for making decisions across the employment life cycle, little guidance that is specifically designed to help employers understand and address the Equal Employment Opportunity (“EEO”) and Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (“DEI&A”) issues that arise from the use of AI-enabled tools in the employment context is available. To help fill that gap, the Institute for Workplace Equality (“Institute” or “IWE”) created an Artificial Intelligence Technical Advisory Committee (“AI TAC”) consisting of 40 subject matter experts chaired by Victoria A. Lipnic, former Commissioner and former Acting Chair of the EEOC and tasked them with identifying those key issues and providing recommendations for how best to approach them.
After over a year of work, the AI TAC has issued its Report on EEO and DEI&A Considerations in the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Employment Decision Making (the “Report” or the “AI TAC Report”). Download the report below.
As part of the AI TAC process, a survey on AI was develop and completed by the full AI TAC. The results of the survey can be downloaded below.
Although employers are increasingly using Artificial Intelligence (AI) selection tools and processes for making decisions across the employment life cycle, there is relatively little guidance available that is specifically designed to help employers understand and address the particular Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEI&A) issues that arise in relation to the use of AI-related tools in the employment context.
To help fill that gap, The Institute for Workplace Equality created the AI TAC, consisting of 40 subject matter experts, and tasked them with identifying these key issues and providing recommendations for how best to approach them. You can read more information about the AI TAC below.
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The Institute for Workplace Equality